Elder Lane Beach Project

Attached are the plans as approved by the Winnetka Park Board of Commissions on October 19, 2023. Please note that the Pier Structure is proposed to be removed, and the Stormwater outfall pipe is proposed to be relocated into the Northern Stone groin. 

Permit Information

Winnetka Park District submitted a Special Use Permit Zoning Application on September 16, 2024. 


Below is a timeline of the Elder Park + Beach project. 

Project Renderings

The slides below illustrates graphic renderings, which displays the project elements approved by the Winnetka Park Board. Please note that the renderings were created from the Approved Schematic Design Plans. Final materials, finishes and elevations may be adjusted accordingly to complete the project after final engineering. 

Please note that the Pier Structure is proposed to be removed, and the Stormwater outfall pipe is proposed to be relocated into the Northern Stone groin.




Lakefront Information

View all News posts regarding our lakefront by clicking the button below.
View a list of commonly asked questions below. 

Project Documents

Staff is currently working on updating the project documents and they will be available shortly. 


Elder Lane + Centennial Open House hosted by Winnetka Park District April 15 at the Winnetka Community House for any community members to attend:

Elder Lane + Centennial Open House hosted by Winnetka Park District March 18, 2023 at the Skokie School (520 Glendale, Winnetka Illinois 60093) for any community members to attend:

Elder Lane + Centennial Open House hosted by Winnetka Park District January 21, 2023 at the Winnetka Community House (620 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka Illinois 60093) for any
community members to attend:

Public comments regarding the Elder / Centennial Beach Project (the “Project”) as received by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (the “USACE”). The Project details were sent to the USACE in the permit application submitted by the Winnetka Park District (USACE Permit #LRC-2021-00454). Via a June 10, 2022 email to the USACE from the Winnetka Park District, the Winnetka Park District formally requested to withdraw the permit application. The USACE formally withdrew the permit application June 14, 2022. The public comments regarding the Project were aggregated by the USACE before sending the public comments to the Winnetka Park District:

Friday, June 24, 2022 the Winnetka Park District board of commissioners unanimously consented to share redacted closed meeting minutes related to the Elder Lane + Centennial Project from January 10, 2019 through April 28, 2022:

Public comments supporting the Elder / Centennial Beach Project (the “Project”) as received by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (the “IDNR”).  The Project details were sent to the IDNR in the permit application submitted by the Winnetka Park District (IDNR Permit #C20220006).  Via a June 10, 2022 email to the IDNR from the Winnetka Park District, the Winnetka Park District formally requested to withdraw the permit application.  The IDNR formally withdrew the permit application June 14, 2022. The public comments supporting the Project were aggregated by the IDNR before sending the public comments to the Winnetka Park District:

Public comments opposing the Elder / Centennial Beach Project (the “Project”) as received by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (the “IDNR”). The Project details were sent to the IDNR in the permit application submitted by the Winnetka Park District (IDNR Permit #C20220006). Via a June 10, 2022 email to the IDNR from the Winnetka Park District, the Winnetka Park District formally requested to withdraw the permit application.  The IDNR formally withdrew the permit application June 14, 2022.  The public comments opposing the Project were aggregated by the IDNR before sending the public comments to the Winnetka Park District:

Documents Presented and Represented to the Winnetka Park District board of
commissioners June 9, 2022:

Revised Elder Lane and Centennial breakwater plan as presented by Orchard
2020 to the Park Board of Commissioners June 16, 2022:

Elder Lane + Centennial Open House hosted by Winnetka Park District May 7
and May 11, 2022 (540 Hibbard Road, Winnetka Illinois 60093) for any
community members to attend:

Documents provided by Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (part of the
permit process):

Documents provided by United States Army Corps of Engineers (part of the
permit process):

Documents provided by Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Water Resources (part of the permit process):

Document authored by The Park District Risk Management Agency for the
Winnetka Park District, submitted to the IDNR and USACE for the permit
application for Elder and Centennial Breakwater Project:

Documents authored by Shabica & Associates, Inc. and / or the Illinois
Department of Resources required for the permit application for the Elder and
Centennial Breakwater Project:

Documents authored by Shabica & Associates, Inc. and / or the United States
Army Corps of Engineers required for the permit application for Elder and
Centennial Breakwater Project:

Document authored by Shabica & Associates presented to the Winnetka Park
District board of commissioners March 24, 2022:

Document authored by The Lakota Group presented to the Winnetka Park
District board of commissioners March 24, 2022:

Document authored by the Winnetka Park District staff presented to the Winnetka Park District board of commissioners March 24, 2022:

Documents authored by the Winnetka Park District staff for the Illinois
Department of Natural Resources and United States Army Corps of Engineers

Document authored by the Winnetka Park District, Property exchange agreement for 261 Sheridan Road (Winnetka Park District and The Orchard 2020 Revocable Trust) presented to the Winnetka Park District board of commissioners:

Document authored by the Winnetka Park District staff for meeting with
legislator representative for Senator Duckworth and legislator representative for Congresswoman Schakowsky October 6, 2021:

Document authored by the Winnetka Park District staff for meeting with
legislator representative for Senator Durbin October 5, 2021:

Document authored by the Winnetka Park District staff presented to the
Winnetka Park District board of commissioners September 9, 2021:

Document authored by the Winnetka Park District staff presented to the
Winnetka Park District board of commissioners August 26, 2021:

Document authored by the Winnetka Park District staff for meeting with State Representatives Robyn Gable and Laura Fine June 10, 2021:

Winnetka Waterfront 2030 Plan

In conjunction with residents and lakefront experts, the Winnetka Park District developed and adopted the Winnetka Waterfront 2030 plan in 2016. This plan is meant to serve as a conceptual guide for future projects that preserve and enhance our five beaches.
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