Winnetka Competitive Team

About the Team

Competition events are open to any individual or professional members of ISI, from Tots to Adults. Throughout the year ISI rinks host regional competitions that all follow the same philosophy: participation, not elimination.

Skaters must be current ISI members in order to compete. Skaters have the opportunity to compete in Solo, Artistic, Footwork, Interpretive, Spotlight, Couples Events, along with others. Competitions are held at various rinks throughout the year. Competition participation is purely voluntary.

We encourage all skaters to participate in competitions. Skaters, regardless of their skating level, are able to experience the thrill of performing for an audience, gain self esteem and confidence, while competing for the fun of it on a level playing field. Competitions gives the skater the opportunity to measure their skating skills against other skaters at the same level and age group from different ice rinks. 

For more information, contact the skating director, Christine Condon, at ccondon@winpark.org.


A skater performs a routine to music the student and instructor have chosen, incorporating the elements from the level they are competing in. The level is determined by the coach with input from the skater. Most skaters compete at a level or two lower than they are currently enrolled in.


Skaters perform elements and are judged solely on the elements from their level (no music).


Skaters are given music at the competition to choreograph a routine without the help of their coaches. Skaters are judged on creativity, musical interpretation, and technical content.

Additional events are available at various competitions.

Fees are $80.00 for one event and $20 for each additional event. It is the coach’s responsibility to be with their skaters for their warm up and their event. As professional members of the LTS USA, coaches are required to volunteer in the running of the competitions they have skaters competing in.

If a skater wishes to compete in a solo event, they will need music for this routine. Their coach will edit the music for the appropriate time and provide the skater with a CD. The editing and CD fee is approximately $30 per solo.

It is beneficial for skaters to have additional practices and lessons prior to the competition. Days off of school are a perfect opportunity to arrange such lessons.

All skaters must be a member of ISI in order to compete. Suggested fees for competitions are approximately $75 for first event. Additional fees are incurred for additional events. Each competition varies.

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