Waste + Recycling
Home Park District Info Plans + Projects Sustainability Waste + Recycling
Park District Info
Winnetka Park District
Admin + Recreation Office
540 Hibbard Road, Winnetka, IL 60093
P: (847) 501-2040
F: (47) 501-5779
E: wpdinfo@winpark.org
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 5pm
Recycling Receptacles
Recycling is crucial for the natural environment and the living organisms that inhabit Earth. By recycling, the number of harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere is reduced. The need for raw materials is minimized, leading to less habitat destruction and the preservation of natural resources.
To encourage recycling, receptacles exist throughout the majority of our 27 park sites for patrons to utilize. Additionally, recycling receptacles exist at all park district facilities. Additional containers will be added each year as funds are available.
Reduction of Paper
The environmental impact of paper is significant. The production and use of paper causes many environmental issues, including air and water pollution, deforestation, habitat destruction, and overflowing landfills — all factors that lead to climate change.
Park district staff have implemented various initiatives to reduce the amount of paper used at our facilities. One of these initiatives includes the shift from physical paper registration forms to online registration for our programs and events. As of 2020, approximately 70 percent of our total registrations are completed online.
Other Recycling Initiatives
As part of our Environmental Policy, park district staff are encouraged to recycle and reuse all suitable materials. The following list gives examples of some of the things staff recycles or repurposes on an ongoing basis.
- Old tennis balls
- Playground equipment: usable equipment is donated to underdeveloped countries
- Electronics and appliances
- Light bulbs
- Natural material: wood chips re-used when possible; old trees used for firewood and/or mulch
Park District Info
Winnetka Park District Admin / Recreation Office
540 Hibbard Road, Winnetka, IL 60093
P: (847) 501-2040
F: (47) 501-5779
E: wpdinfo@winpark.org
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 5pm