Zoning Board of Appeals Recommends Denial of Special Use Permit for Centennial Park & Beach Improvements

On December 9, 2024, the Winnetka Park District presented the proposed Centennial Park & Beach improvement project to the Village of Winnetka’s Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) for the third time. After extensive discussions and public input, the ZBA concluded the meeting by voting to recommend denial of the Special Use Permit required for the project to proceed.

While the Special Use Permit was not recommended for approval, the ZBA did recommend approval of the variances and exceptions requested as part of the proposal. However, these approvals remain contingent on an approved Special Use Permit, which has not yet been secured.
The Winnetka Park District’s vision for Centennial Park & Beach includes critical improvements aimed at protecting and preserving the shoreline and bluff, increasing accessibility, and enhancing recreational opportunities. As part of the ongoing approval process, the Park District will next present the project to the Village’s Plan Commission and Design & Review Board before the matter is ultimately considered by the Village Council for a final decision.

“We thank the Zoning Board of Appeals for their time and thoughtful deliberation over the course of three meetings,” said Christina Codo, President of the Park District. “While we are disappointed in the recommendation on the Special Use Permit, we appreciate the support for the variances and exceptions and remain confident in our plan and committed to addressing concerns as the project moves forward. We are optimistic about continuing discussions with Village leadership and the community to achieve solutions that enhance Centennial Park & Beach for everyone.”

The Park District appreciates the community’s engagement and support throughout this process. Updates on the project’s progress will be shared here on the Winnetka Park District website and social media channels.

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