Upcoming Parking Lot Closures

Winnetka, Illinois – 

We will be sealcoating Skokie Playfield, Tennis, Platform, Golf and the Ice Arena parking lots. This project will occur between May 14 – May 22. We will be completing this project in two phases in order to minimize the impact for our community and patrons.

The following are the upcoming temporary parking lot closures: 

Tennis and Ice: Tuesday, May 14 at 4am – Thursday, May 16 at 9:30am. 

  • Rain Dates: Monday, May 20 – Wednesday, May 22 

Monday, May 20 at 4am- Wednesday, May 22 at 9:30am: Administrative parking lot, side lot of the Ice Arena, Platform and Golf. 

  •  Rain Dates: Monday, June 3 – Wednesday, June 5. 

Please see this attached map for a display of lots impacted. Thank you for your patience as we maintain our parking lots. 

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