Elder Lane + Centennial Beach Development Update


Winnetka, IL; April 29, 2022 — The Winnetka Park District is excited to announce the Elder Lane + Centennial Beach Design Development Plan is nearing approval with state and federal regulators. Earlier this year, the Park District submitted the breakwater construction plan for permit with the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and other state government agencies.

The Park District will highlight recent lakefront projects, provide an in-depth review of the Elder Lane + Centennial Beach project, and give the community an opportunity to offer comments for consideration at two open house sessions:

  • Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 9am
  • Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 7pm

Both open houses will be held in the Winnetka Park District’s Community Room located at 540 Hibbard Road, Winnetka.

Drone image of Elder Lane Beach and Centennial Beach
Current: Elder Lane + Centennial
Proposed rendering of Elder Lane Beach and Centennial Beach
Proposed: Elder Lane + Centennial
Proposed rendering of Elder Lane Beach and Centennial Beach looking north
Proposed: Elder Lane + Centennial
Proposed: Elder Lane + Centennial

The Elder Lane + Centennial Beach Design Development Plan fulfills a major objective of the Winnetka Waterfront 2030 Lakefront Master Plan — the unification of Elder Lane and Centennial parks and beaches. The plan combines two independent parks into one park totaling approximately eight acres. The plan also provides nearly 1,000 feet of uninterrupted shoreline and unparalleled public beach access in Winnetka.

The unification of Elder Lane + Centennial parks and beaches provide new and exciting recreational opportunities. Some of the key features and amenities include:

  • Addresses long term erosion control with a plan that affords beach access and utilization regardless of varying lake levels;
  • Provides safe and convenient access for non-motorized boating and swimming and sun-bathing;
  • Removes existing impediments to beach access;
  • Improves water quality through the replacement and relocation of Elder storm water discharge, including the installation of pre-treatment facilities;
  • Affords off-season access to off-leash dogs (proposed mid-September through mid-May).

For more information regarding the Elder Lane + Centennial Beach Design Development Plan, please visit the Park District’s website at www.winpark.org/waterfront-2030.

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