Elder Lane + Centennial Beach Development Update


Winnetka, IL; June 13, 2022 — Based on a formal vote by the commissioners present during the Winnetka Park District’s June 9, 2022 board of commissioners special board meeting, the Winnetka Park District formally withdrew the joint applications between Winnetka Park District and a private entity, the Orchard 2020 Trust, for the Elder Lane + Centennial Beach Development Plan as submitted to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (“USACE”) and Illinois Department of Natural Resources (“IDNR”).

The USACE confirmed Friday, June 10, 2022 that the Park District’s request to withdraw the application on behalf of the Park District had been received by the agency and thanked the Park District for its notice. The Park District expects to receive the IDNR’s response shortly.

Public comments received during recent Park District board meetings and communicated to the Park District’s main email platform, along with a petition containing signatures of 1,378 concerned citizens protesting certain elements of the plan design, that was filed into the Park District record during the May 26, 2022 board meeting, and amended during the June 9, 2022 special board meeting, helped move the commissioners to the vote.

The Park District will continue its efforts to execute the Elder Lane + Centennial Beach Development Plan, a major objective of the Winnetka Waterfront 2030 Lakefront Master Plan. These efforts will include considering all public comments submitted to the USACE and IDNR, all public comments received via email and during recent Park District board meetings, and continued engagement with the public. The Park District welcomes all feedback and will strive for transparency and better public communication as it moves forward with the project.
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